Reiki and Crystal Ritual for Fertility Treatment

My husband and I started our fertility journey much like any other couple - feeling positive and excited to make a baby! We were both young and healthy, so we doubted there would be any issues. 

So, we began trying.. And as the months seemed to continue to roll on (and on..) without even the slight sign of a second line. I started to panic, I started to wonder if I had done something wrong? I started to read all of the fertility books, implementing their suggestions and then berating myself for slipping up with a pizza and a glass of wine on the weekend. It was a horrible cycle that kept me in feelings of guilt, fear and isolation. I kept myself away from friends, firstly to avoid eating ‘the wrong thing’ or having a glass of wine, secondly to avoid the questions of ‘hows it all going?’ and sadly, sometimes to avoid seeing their children, and thinking if it had all worked out the way I had hoped, I too would have a little baby in my arms.. 

Throughout our two year journey, I decided I needed to work on myself, I needed to make myself a clear channel for this child to come through - not only for me, but for them. Surely they were asking me to step up and take on this challenge. They wanted better from me, they wanted me to work on my shit so that I could be the best possible mother.

They say that trying to conceive, pregnancy and birth (and later, children) are the ultimate lessons of surrender. They are the ultimate reminders that we have ZERO control in life, and that all we can do is try to let go and enjoy the ride. 

My two year journey to conceiving my beautiful little baby, was incredibly heartbreaking and challenging, it taught me the ultimate surrender. And I have no idea how I would have done it without Reiki. 

Having this practice that I could call upon whenever I needed, whenever I was stressed, scared, uncertain, fearful.. I could connect with Reiki and be reminded that there was a greater plan, that yes, one day I would be a mum. Reiki calmed me, nurtured me, relieved pain - both emotional and physical, and allowed me to surrender. Reiki seemed to be the thing that kept me level headed. And when I found I needed more than just my own self healing, I would call upon other healers and energy workers to support me. Because, we can't be expected to do it all on our own, right?

I created crystal grids with the intention to conceive, I connected daily with crystals such as moonstone and carnelian, and I received acupuncture on a regular basis. I went through hypnosis, and listened to hypnosis daily as I meditated and gave myself Reiki. I quit my job that was causing me stress, took baths, journalled, called upon my spirit baby, I saw multiple psychics and healers, I worked through my blocks and my fears.. 

Throughout most of the journey, I had been so resistant to fertility treatment. I kept thinking, ‘next month it will happen’, or ‘surely this child wants to be an Aquarius, so they must be hanging out for this month’… But eventually I not only gave in, but I also listened to my intuition - we needed help and this was going to be our journey. 

I think my resistance to IVF stemmed not only from my own judgment of myself, but also the many, many IVF horror stories that are shared. Stories of injecting yourself with needles, dreaded influx of artificial hormones, the weight gain, the emotional, financial and physical stress.. 

The pain of IVF was not just the physical, emotional and financial effects, but underneath it all, my heart grieved, grieved so badly for the conception i had envisioned. The conception that came from the simple act of making love. I grieved my natural conception, letting it go and wondering if maybe the next child would be different? 

I knew that if I was going to do IVF, I had to do it my way. I had to turn this process into something sacred. I created a ritual for my daily injections, it involved lighting a candle, connecting to my body with Reiki, playing my favorite music and also giving Reiki to the medication. I found that creating this sacred space made the process a little easier, a little more intentional. The Reiki really supported my fear at the beginning around the needles, and was instrumental in making the process a whole lot less painful! 

Not only did Reiki support me physically, I also used my daily healing sessions as a way to manage my anxiety around the uncertainty. 

I would encourage any woman who may be going through the trials of trying to conceive, or fertility treatment to consider learning Reiki to support themselves - mind, body and soul.


  1. Light a candle and turn on your favourite music that lifts your heart and energy, 

  2. Prepare your medication however you may need to. 

  3. Reiki your medication by placing your hands over your medication, you wont need to spend long here, you can also use Symbol #1, Symbol #2 and Symbol #5 if you are attuned to these symbols.

4. Deepen and connect with your breath, bring Reiki to your heart space and sacral. Visualise a golden chord traveling down from the heart chakra to the sacral. 

5. Repeat any affirmations that resonate with you while you are giving yourself Reiki, an example of this may be “this is bringing me closer to meeting my baby” or “I am ready to receive, I am ready to conceive”. 

6. Whilst administering your medication, continue to connect with Reiki throughout. You can also visualise the medication as a golden light entering your body. 

7. Afterwards, spend a few moments in gratitude for your body and for your baby. 


Connecting with your spirit team.


How to connect and use a pendulum.