Akashic Record Journeys.

⁣ Journeys through the Records help reconnect you with your divine truth and your Soul purpose. Guiding you on how to get to where you want to be.⁣ Interwoven with Reiki and intuitive crystals and cards, these sessions are the ultimate healing experience.



A soul nourishing session to bring you back to alignment. Combining the healing modalities of Reiki, crystals and sound, these sessions bring you back to your true nature, back to your MAGIC!

Home Cleansing and Blessing.

In this 90 minute ritual, Stef will work with the intention for your home to cleanse and clear the old negative energy and call in the frequency you desire in your home!


The Journal

Connecting with your spirit guides.

We all have a spiritual team who have our back. It’s time to get acquainted with them…

Reiki and Crystal Ritual for Fertility Treatment

Turn your IVF and fertility treatments into a sacred ritual. Deepening your sense of trust, calm and connection.

How to connect and use your pendulum.

Pendulums are a powerful tool for tapping into guidance.

How Reiki changed my life, and how it can change yours.

Thinking about learning Reiki? Read about how it has transformed mine and so many others lives.

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Give the Gift of Love

From your heart to theirs, give the ultimate gift of unconditional love with a Gift Card from Glowing Soul Healing.

Join the journey..